My Work in Progress

A sketchblog where I post a few of my scribbles from a variety of works-in-progress, usually from my rather random personal creativity outside of the daily grind. I occasionally, but not always, post the final artwork.


Fun with...

...costumes! As complicated as my idea has gotten from its original conception (think kindergarten school play as the basis for the first amusing idea), I think I'll probably end up wearing a t-shirt with the message "YES -- THIS -- IS my COSTUME". I'm sure I'll at least win 2nd place...ha.

However, I'm still moving forward with the process, cause now I'm curious to see what I actually end up with, even so it won't be ready for the office Halloween Showdown. Especially since it involves trying to be crafty with stuff I haven't played with before. I love a creative challenge. :)

Hmm...I wonder if I can make a little door for my little plush owl to pop out of, a la a cuckoo clock....


sarah said...

So neat... what did you end up wearing for Halloween? I ended up going as Alice. Have you gone to the scbwi conferences? I would love to go to one of those eventually. This one will probably be on a much smaller scale. It definitely will be focusing on novel writing mainly too, except for me! Hope all is well. :)

Tanja said...

I ended up as a Goth Fairy. I've always wanted to be one, heh. Yes, I have gone to an scbwi conference, back in 2002, I think, in NYC; and I'd like to go again when I'm more involved in the organization once again. I'd definitely recommend attending, at least once; especially if you're looking to make more contacts in children's publishing and meet some of the established artists and writers. Also good for the inspiration, of course! :)