My Work in Progress

A sketchblog where I post a few of my scribbles from a variety of works-in-progress, usually from my rather random personal creativity outside of the daily grind. I occasionally, but not always, post the final artwork.


Just for fun...

Here's a quick concept for a book-cover that I did just for fun on Sunday night as part of a discussion thread I've been participating working on some other things. Nice bit of interesting comments it was getting, until the server went down at some point this afternoon...evening? Ah, well.

Still unpacking, that will ever end... **rolls eyes**

Also did a rapid color version of a sketch I doodled while I was cat-sitting this past Friday. You can still see some of the vertical lines from my notebook, although they blended a bit with the trees fairly well. Might actually end up finalizing that, since it turned out to be a bit popular. Still working on the storyboard concepts; and writing my YA novel...even if it's only a paragraph or two each night (although the final version may end up better fitting in the adult fantasy/sci-fi section -- we'll see how that goes); and mocking up my YA graphic novel (found some excellent reference material this evening as well for a section I've been a little reluctant to finalize); and, of course, working on my fairy tale illustration set (will be going to board this week on a couple of those).

So, that was my weekend for the most part. Believe it or not, I also have an idea box and a notebook(s) with entirely too many other creative projects that I want to make time to work on one day or another....but they will simply have wait till I have these other at-home projects finished first. And let's not even talk about the day job projects that pay my bills. ha.

Oh, and...still listening to Muse.

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