My Work in Progress

A sketchblog where I post a few of my scribbles from a variety of works-in-progress, usually from my rather random personal creativity outside of the daily grind. I occasionally, but not always, post the final artwork.


Midnight Geese

Last night I'm lying in bed writing my "one-paragraph-a-night" bit of story in my spiral notebook, listening to the north wind starting to blow as the cold front blew in...when I hear the wild geese crying out as they flew by overhead.

Their calls were so sweet and melancholy.

It was just a couple minutes past midnight -- I was curious enough to check my cellphone on the nightstand (it's my 2nd alarm). Then, a few minutes later, another flock flew by. Or were they circling overhead? I don't think so; somehow the calling voices sounded different.


Mollie said...

Did you make this MASTERPIECE? It's brilliant! I wish I could stay up that late to concentrate!!
Brilliant. So when is your story coming out I'd love to read it!

Tanja said...

Yes, I drew this -- was feeling a bit inspired by the geese. Thanks! :)

I'm still working on the 1st draft of the story, in addition to a few treatments of other ideas and a couple of dummy picture books for tots. Plus, I'm freelancing at the moment so there's paying artwork for clients that keeps me a bit busy. I'll post a progress report on the book when I finally send it to my editor.